2019年5月8日下午,“《汉语世界》中国故事 英文风采大赛”在北京商务印书馆举行启动仪式。来自教育部、中央电视台、商务印书馆、中国日报网、中国新闻网、腾讯智慧教育等单位的数十位嘉宾,以及来自全国各地的合作机构代表共同见证了首届大赛的启动。
商务印书馆总经理于殿利先生在致辞中谈到:“大赛的口号‘中国故事,国际表达’正是《汉语世界》杂志坚持十多年的办刊宗旨,它的英文表述 China is a story, we tell it 很接地气。意味着每一个人,都是中国故事的一部分。讲好中国故事,是每一个中国人的必修课。”
Emily Conrad(美国)是主办方《汉语世界》杂志的撰稿人和编辑,她在发言中谈到自己通过《汉语世界》这本杂志发现中国故事并参与到挖掘和写作中国故事的难忘经历。她希望大赛能让更多的中国学生加入到挖掘和讲述中国故事的队伍中来。
启动仪式上还宣布成立了大赛专家委员会。首批特聘的四位中外专家分别为:前中国驻新西兰、瑞典大使,外交部外语专家、公共外交顾问,中国翻译协会副会长陈明明先生;国际翻译家联盟前副主席,中国翻译协会副会长,全国翻译资格(水平)考试英语专家委员会主任黄友义先生;国家教材委员会专家委员,北京外国语大学教授、博士生导师文秋芳女士;《汉语世界》执行主编,国际传播学青年学者Hatty Liu女士(加拿大籍)。
陈明明大使代表专家委员会发言:“《汉语世界》中国故事 英文风采大赛”是一个向世界讲述中国故事的绝佳平台。更为生动的中国故事应该是由每一个独特的个体根据自己的生命体验来讲述属于他们自己独一无二的、鲜活的中国故事,从而汇聚为一个立体的中国故事。
最后,全体嘉宾共同触摸点亮水晶球并合影留念,宣布“《汉语世界》中国故事 英文风采大赛”正式启动,预祝首届大赛圆满成功。
BEIJING—There is much more to China than the Great Wall, pandas, and Peking duck—but that’s as far as most Chinese media aimed at international audiences go.
Enter the “China Stories English Talent Competition”, a free contest which was launched at the head office of The Commercial Press in Beijing on the afternoon of Wednesday, May 8.
An expected 20,000 entrants from the primary school, secondary school, and university levels, from over 200 cities and 10,000 schools and language training organizations, will be making speeches that demonstrating their ability to tell Chinese stories to an international audience.
Directed by The World of Chinese magazine, and co-produced by Person Wisdom Education, the contest shares its slogan—“China is a story, we tell it”—with The World of Chinese, an English-language publication started by The Commercial Press in 2006. “The idea of the slogan is that every Chinese person is part of China’s story, and have an obligation to tell China’s story well,” noted Mr. Yu Dianli, general-manager of The Commercial Press, at the contest’s launch ceremony.
The contest was inspired by the magazine’s mission to tell tenaciously reported longform stories about contemporary Chinese culture and society, and to present China in an authentic and accessible way to an international audience. “It is our vision to expand the number of stories told about China in order to fill the knowledge gaps about contemporary Chinese society in the outside world,” explained Ms. Emily Conrad, editor and reporter at The World of Chinese, who originally hails from the United States.
Mr. Chen Mingming, former Chinese ambassador to New Zealand and Sweden, believes the contest can be a form of practical training for Chinese youths. “China’s rise inspires a lot of fear from Western superpowers, so telling China’s story is becoming very important to the nation, but we still need to work further on our method,” he said at the launch ceremony.
“There are cultural divides—for example, the Chinese like to make overstatements and quote great leaders…whereas we need to remind students to adopt a personal angle preferred by foreign listeners,” Chen said.
The contest will open for registration on May 10, 2019. In the first stage of competition, entrants will submit recordings of their speeches, which will be judged according to their originality and clarity; English fluency; level of interest and emotional engagement for the listener; and ability to present of an accurate image of China.
Provincial semi-finals will take place via live speeches in provincial capital cities on October 12, 2019, followed by national-level finals in Beijing in January 2020, which is expected to be broadcast on CCTV-4 or CCTV-10, as well as streaming platforms including Tudou and Youku.
The competition has a strong educational and public service component, with no registration fee collected at any stage. A three-in-one registration, assessment, and online learning platform provided by Tencent Education will evaluate the contestant’s language ability and give recommendations for further training.
“China is a place made up of over a billion stories of people of all walks of life and socio-economic situations,” said Conrad. “The China Stories English Talent Competition will empower young people to tell their stories. We hope to inspire their confidence in their own unique life journeys.”